A partner of the firm, Guillaume is an expropriation lawyer who provides legal advice and services to municipalities with respect to infrastructure projects involving the acquisition and/or expropriation of privately owned lands. Guillaume also acts for numerous small- and large-scale landowners across the province who are facing expropriation. He has extensive experience representing clients in expropriation proceedings before the Board of Negotiation and the Ontario Municipal Board/Local Planning Appeal Tribunal/Ontario Land Tribunal.
Guillaume is a Past President of the Ontario Expropriation Association and serves on the Association's Board of Directors. Guillaume is also a Past President and Director of Chapter 29 of the International Right of Way Association. As a certified instructor with the IRWA, he teaches courses on expropriation and the principles of real estate law. Guillaume has completed the Harvard Negotiation Institute's intensive program at Harvard Law School.
Guillaume received an LL.B. from the University of Ottawa. Prior to attending law school, he received a B.A. (Honours) in Political Science from the University of Toronto. A portion of Guillaume’s undergraduate studies were spent at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, in Grenoble, France.
Fluently bilingual in French and English, Guillaume serves clients in both languages.
Outside of law, Guillaume is a co-founder and Director of Spinal CSF Leak Canada, a national health charity focused on improving the health and lives of people suffering from a medical condition known as spontaneous intracranial hypotension caused by a spinal cerebrospinal fluid leak.
Une version française du profil de Guillaume est disponible au lien suivant : https://l-express.ca/maitre-guillaume-lavictoire-specialiste-de-lexpropriation/